martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

Social Movement

Suffragette movement

Place and date:

In Mexico the vote for women occurred in 1955, after a huge struggle.

Sufragistas: las primeras heroínas feministas

On April 6, 1952, more than 20,000 women gathered in the "March 18" Park in Mexico City to demand what the then candidate for the presidency, Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, had promised them.

The women wanted to see embodied in the Constitution the right to vote and be elected.
 Women began to demand more autonomy, thanks to the ideas of the Reformation and the women's publications of the time.

In the first women's magazine "Las Violetas del Anáhuac" an article was published claiming this right, and from there, little by little, the idea of ​​female suffrage spread, and groups began to form in favor of this right, such as "The daughters of Cuauhtémoc". 

Historical data
In 1916 the first Feminist Congress was held, promoted by the Governor of Yucatan and several women opinion leaders. 

In May 1923 the Mexican Section of the Pan American Women's League convened the First National Feminist Congress.

Main demands that came out of that congress: 
  • Civil equality so that women could be a candidate for administrative positions as well as cast suffrage.

In 1937 Lázaro Cárdenas sent  an initiative to the Chamber of Senators so that women could obtain citizenship, and thus the vote. 

In 1946, President Miguel Alemán approved an initiative for constitutional article 115 to indicate the participation of women in municipal elections. 

Finally, on July 3, 1955, the women went to the  polls for the first time to elect federal deputies.
Lista: Movimiento sufragista: El derecho al voto de la mujer.

Process of deindividualization:

The women started to unite and to protest demonstrations. 

Freeing yourself from fear, because in those years, women considered the property of man.

For a century, the suffrage movement organized and expanded throughout the world, getting different countries to approve by law the right of women to vote.
Emmeline Pankhurst: un discurso que puso en acción a las sufragistas
Suffragettes opted for legal methods, talks and conferences to convince the population, while sufragettes preferred to use more radical actions such as demonstrations, protests and even hunger strikes.

These groups began to emerge in Anglo-Saxon countries, where the Industrial Revolution grew stronger and factories began to hire women to maintain production.
Feminismo para gente lenta | El Huffington Post
Progress or results from the movement.

  • The power to vote
  • The improvement of education
  • Professional training and the opening of new jobs
  • The equalization of sexes in the family as a means of avoiding the subordination of women and double sexual morality.

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2020


Conflict: client - manager

In a hotel, one day a complaint was received from a client, since he mentioned that the bathroom in the room that was delivered was wet and in addition to this an order of hamburgers and beers had been made, which in no At the time of the 6 hours he was there, he was handed over, it should be mentioned that the bar was called at least 3 times.
The problem occurred at the time the client passed through the exit booth, as he requested that his money be returned, which was not possible since he was in the room for at least 6 hours and did not make the report until the moment of your exit.

Finally, the manager approached the client and tried to calm him down because if he did not do so, the police would be called, because apart from altering the order, he blocked the exit causing disagreement with other clients and delaying all the work that was had.

Resultado de imagen para gerente de hotel


It happened in a passing hotel, due to the dissatisfaction of a client at the end of their stay.

People involved:

Booth Worker

1. Conflict or problem:

The conflict strat in the client's anger at not obtaining good service from the hotel, then the conflict transforms to verbal aggression and almost to physical agression

2. Type of conflict:
The type of conflict is an information conflict because the client didn´t mention his problem at the time until he finished his stay at the hotel

3. Conflict theory:
It is a dysfunctional conflict, because the relationship and harmony that exists in the environment generates stress and frustration.

4. Conflict process:

Stage 1: Incompatibility Bad communication from the beginning.
Stage 2: cognition and personalization, the conflict is perceived, because the client doesn´t stop calm, begins to argue, did not want to listen to alternatives
Stage 3: Intentions. The client did not want to negotiate, just look for an incorrect quick solution.
The manager tried to collaborate with the client and avoid a major problem.
Stage 4. Behavior. The client had a negative attitude because of his bad experience with the hotel service. the manager was calm and wanted to offer solutions
Stage 5: results. The manager could not control the situation and the drastic medication, we controlled the policy.
 The policy solved the problem, following the rules.
 As a result, the hotel had no major problem because the client spent a lot of time in his room without complaining about the problem.
If the client had stayed immediately and the hotel had not solved the problem, the solution would probably be to return the money to the client.

Resultado de imagen para hoteles


We need to be aware and if we find a defect we must notify immediately to try to solve the problem as quickly as possible and avoid the conflict

martes, 11 de febrero de 2020

Tipología de conflictos

Paz Jiménez Jennifer Itzel
Actividad 2

Link Padlet

Resultado de imagen de tipologia de conflictos


1.- What did I learn?
I learned to differentiate the types of conflicts that exist

2.- How is this going to be useful?
To avoid committing some of those problems

3.- What do I need to improve?
Listening to the people, be patient.

4.- Was it easy or difficult?
It was easy because there are many conflict but easy for recognize.

jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020

Sample Entry

Resultado de imagen de problema y conflicto
1.- What would you say si the biggest difference between a problem and a conflict?

The problem is the base of a  discussion because two people are desagree whit an idea and the conflict is a several problem, is when this people involve feelings.

  2.- What are the most common conflicts at the workplace or company?

When the people aren´t work because some people are distracted and they don´t do the activity that corresponds to each one.
Resultado de imagen de negotiation
3.- Why is it relevant to be skillful at negotiation?

Be sure himself, be nice, be empathic because we can get a new opportunities in work, in the social aspect, you can change many things in the world if you learn to negotiate.

The problem and conflicts are obstacles for the negotiation. It´s important learn to negotiate and overcome this aspects. 

We need improve be more pacient with the people, we have to learn to listen the people and then give our opinion and always work in teams.